Sydney Mobile Vet Service

Mon / Fri 7:30 am - 7 pm

Sat 9 am - 4 pm

Heading into 2011…

Vet in the car

Well the silly season is over, and despite the usual chrissy bbqs and parties, there were few chocolate toxicities or bbq gustations and gastro!

VETaround kicked off again with a bang once the new year came around and the feedback has been really positive. Thank you everyone for your kind words of support. It’s really nice to know that my goals of providing quality and personalised mobile vet care are being met. I’ve really enjoyed meeting people and their pets in their homes. Everyone is calmer and the patients (for the most part!) pretty relaxed.

Coming into the peak of summer now fleas and allergies are probably the biggest complaints.

I’ve seen many itchy dogs and cats with both allergies and flea burdens and very frustrated parents. Know that if you have one of these, you’re not alone! Skin conditions like this definitely form the bulk of summer consultations and managing the problem takes a fair bit of effort but it can be very rewarding if you persevere. See our newsletter for more info on flea control.

I’ve also seen some pets that have required a period of hospital care or investigations. Some have requested pickup and home deliveries and others have been happy to meet me at the hospital with their pet.

Transporting people’s pets has actually been quite fulfilling as I feel I am offering a more complete mobile service and in most cases it is certainly more convenient for the owner. The ride in my carriage section is generally a comfy one with plush soft bedding underneath and a very safe carriage area. Others I think feel more comfortable taking their pet to hospital so they can be with their pet for the journey. I am more than happy to accommodate the different needs of each pet, parent or family.

So, as always, let me know if there is anything you want from my services or specific feedback about anything. Or just simply contact me if you have any questions about your pet’s health or lifestyle.

Till next time…………….

Contact VETaround

For expert, compassionate care for your pet